By Ahmed Wakil
Truly! to Allah we belong and to Him we shall all return. Words seem too feeble on moments like these but surely Allah takes what is His, and what he gives is His and to all things, he has appointed time.
Those who are patience are rewarded. We never knew who Alhaji Mohammed Wakil was until after he left us. Our beloved father was loved by all.
It was narrated that when Allah loves His servant he calls upon Angel Jibril and tells him that I love my servant and tell the angels to love him and the world to love him. The above authority buttresses the point that our father was loved by Allah and in return by all who had an encounter with him. That is evident from the number of encomiums after his death.
Death leaves a heartache and empty vacuum no one can fill, our hearts still ache with sadness, for our father was a person whose worth can never be told.
The loss of a father no matter how old one is, changes the life of one forever. You never really get over the loss but learn to live with the loss and never far away from your thoughts.
He instilled patience, perseverance, and discipline in us. As a person whom we knew closely, he was faithful and sincere, he loved Allah and his messenger in his actions and saying. He was God-fearing, and pious and these are qualities many people have vouched for him. He persevered when in distress and grateful when in abundance. He was at the forefront of conducting religious activities and serving his religion. These are not ordinary qualities, but qualities of a true believer and it is our fervent prayer He died a Mumin.
It was reported by Imam Ahmad(4/297) “verily when a believing servant is about to leave the world, angels from heaven will come to him with shining faces, with them a shroud from paradise, and perfume from paradise, when they took the soul they put it in that shroud of perfume from paradise “we have good testament that our late father died in such state and we pray Allah to accept him as a mumin, Amin.
It was also reported on the authority of Abu Dawud “that there are seven types of martyrs among which is one who died of internal complaint “Our father has been on the sick bed for many years, All these are good signs that as Muslims we are very hopeful that our father is in a better place Insha Allahu.
Our father was an icon worthy of emulation, He was a hero, a strong support system, and a hard-working individual, he was a selfless man who lived for others. He was highly principled and stood for what he knows is right and in the interest of everyone. He was a fighter, he fought in his battle until his very last moment.
Alhamdulillah, the morals and values you taught us will continue to be a guiding light in our lives, we will live by your legacy, and we will live by the righteous virtues you have raised us with. We shall remain thankful to Almighty Allah for His infinite blessings upon our late father and all of us he left behind, because truly, to Him we shall all return, may Allah SWT forgive his sins and grant him Aljanntul Firdaus.
May Allah have mercy on all the ones that have passed before us. We shall continue to miss you and remember you in our supplications till our very last breath. Allahummagfir Lahu Allahumma Thabbithu.
Wakil writes from Bauchi
May Allah SWT Grant him aljannatul firdaus my beloved grand pa
Allah ya gafarta masa yakuma jaddada rahamarsa agareshi Allah yabaku Hakurin Rashinsa
May Allah give them an easy and pleasant journey and shower blessing on their grave
May God never leave him. Rest on father