BaSAM Set to Disseminate Health Budget Advocacy Tool Kits to Key Stakeholders in Bauchi

By Bashir Hassan Abubakar

Bauchi State Accountability Mechanism on Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (BaSAM) with the support of E4A Mamaye Program have commenced preparations for dissemination on Global Public Goods (GPG) on Health Budget Advocacy Tool Kits to key stakeholders in Bauchi State.

This was one of the key outcomes of BaSAM Champions monthly meeting held on Saturday at the conference hall of ACE-HI office, Bauchi.


Speaking on the aims and objectives of the proposed dissemination meeting, the Bauchi State Advisor of E4A Mamaye Project Khadijah Abdulwahab Katagum said the dissemination meeting will seek to acquaint CSOs, International Partners and other state actors that are working on health budget accountability with the Health Budget Advocacy Tool kits for possible adoption.

According to her, the dissemination meeting will also improve the advocacy skills of the targeted participants.

The State Advisor said that the meeting is one of the major priorities of next month that will take place with expected high participants.

In articulating preparations for the proposed meeting slated for second week of March 2022, the coalition opted to use eight members (8) to make presentations on the different components of the tool kits.

Also, towards ensuring smooth and seamless conduct of the meeting, two (2) rehearsals were planned before the proposed meeting date. This is to adequately prepare coalition members for the proposed meeting.

Coalition Champions Putting Heads Together to Develop Concept Notes for March Priorities

The Coalitions Champions meeting also dwell on it’s other priorities that may likely see BaSAM conducting about five (5) other activities.

The other activities captured in the coalition’s March concept notes aside the GPGs dissemination includes, Disseminations of BHCPF and MNCH Score cards, Advocacy visits to some organizations among others.

In his closing remarks the Co-Chair CSOs, Abu John Yusuf thanked the Coalition champions for sacrificing their weekend towards developing March priorities saying that, “your sacrifice is greatly appreciated”.

He said such sacrifices are inline with Mamaye’s goals of taking ownership of the entire coalition’s activities to ensure sustainability.

The Co-Chair implored the champions to explore avenues on expanding membership of the Coalition to bring more stakeholders that could add value to the aspirations of BaSAM for improved MNCH in Bauchi State.

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