BaSAM Develops 2020 Score Card on MNCH in Bauchi

BaSAM Develops 2020 Score Card on MNCH in Bauchi

By Bashir Hassan Abubakar 

As the year 2020 comes to and end, Bauchi State Accountability Mechanism (BaSAM) on Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH) have developed the MNCH 2020 score card.

In a short remark before the commencement of the score card development meeting, the state project advisor of E4A Mamaye Project, Khadijah Katagum said the main objective of the meeting was to develop the 2019/ 2020 score card that centers around MNCH and also develop key advocacy messages from gaps and challenges observed from the score card.

Khadijah then assured BaSAM members of Mamaye’s technical support towards the development of the score card.

Also speaking, the co-chairman of BaSAM Dr. Daiyabu Mohammed thanked E4A Mamaye Project for their initiative in developing the score card which he described as innovative.

According to Dr. Mohammed, when developed, the 2020 score card will guide the state government in making informed decisions in areas where gaps and challenges were observed.

“Over the years, evidence generated through the score card had assisted the government into making informed decisions around MNCH. These decisions had helped towards strengthening service delivery in MNCH”, said Dr. Mohammed.

At the end of the meeting, key advocacy messages targeting on antenatal, post natal care and delivery at health facility were developed. Other advocacy messages were cantered on routine immunization and child birth spacing.

Our correspondent also reports that the two days activities attracted select group members of BaSAM drawn from the state MDAs, CSOs and the Media.

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